Follow-Up Testing Guide
On-Site Pooled Testing
When a pooled test comes back positive, each person in the pool will need to be individually tested to determine who in the pool is COVID-positive.
The goal of individual follow-up testing is to identify and isolate the positive individual(s). When you have tested everyone in the pool and have identified at least one positive, your individual follow-up testing is a success!
All follow-up test processes start the same way:
A school testing lead is notified that there is a positive pool, calls all individuals, and asks them to return for follow-up testing.
Here’s what you need to think about before you start testing
1. What kind of test to administer?
Under the DESE program, you have two options for types of follow-up tests.
1. BinaxNOW rapid antigen tests are provided at no cost and return results in 15 minutes. However, the test is less sensitive than the pooled test and will sometimes fail to identify the positive individual or individuals in a positive pool.
2. Highly sensitive molecular PCR tests are offered by each vendor for an additional cost that ranges from $26 - $85.
2. Where does follow-up testing happen?
Choose the option that works best for your school district.
Create a central testing hub: designate a school or community building as the spot for follow-up testing. Stage a testing center in an accessible location (gym, parking lot, ball field, etc.)
Create a follow-up testing network: Students have the option to go to any school in the district, and it doesn't need to be their school. Use other community buildings (rec center, etc.) to expand access
Mobile testing units: Use a truck/van to drive to neighborhoods, housing developments. Option to drive directly to students’ homes for follow-up testing
When determining your follow-up testing location, keep in mind the following requirements related to BinaxNOW test kits.
Nasal swabs should be tested as soon as possible and within 1 hour from collection. Immediately is best.
All materials should be at room temperature, between 59o-86o F, before and during testing
Test kit should be placed on a flat surface
Results should be read promptly at 15 minutes, and not before. Results should not be read after 30 minutes
Guidance from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health is that asymptomatic individuals who are in a positive pool do not need to quarantine in between a positive pool result and individual follow-up test results. As long as they remain asymptomatic, they can ride on busses and attend class. However, it is recommended that follow-up testing be performed as soon as possible.